LMICK Minute

June 08, 2022

To Our Policyholders:

What an honor to serve Lawyers Mutual of Kentucky’s (“LMICK”) insureds and the lawyers of the Commonwealth of Kentucky for another year. This sentiment is echoed, I know, by the entire LMICK Staff and Board. As a mutual insurance company, LMICK is your company and we are proud to work with you and for you. In anticipation of the upcoming Annual Meeting (more details below), we wanted to take this opportunity to update you on the state of the company and to reflect a bit on 2021.

We Are a Community of Kentucky Lawyers.

Importantly, 2021 marked LMICK’s 15th consecutive profitable year. This accomplishment was made possible, in large measure, by your continued loyalty and support. Thank you. As I say in a note that I write to all those new or returning to LMICK: we appreciate having you as an insured. The financial stability that the Company enjoys allows us to serve the needs of our insureds, specifically, and Kentucky lawyers more broadly. We ended 2021 with a renewal rate of 96% for firms and 97% for attorneys. One hundred and twenty-six (126) new attorneys became LMICK insured in 2021. We would be proud of these numbers in normal times, but to hit these benchmarks in a year in which we continued to fight through a pandemic was remarkable. Together, as a community of Kentucky lawyers, we’ve persevered, and I dare say thrived.

May 18, 2022

News & Updates

Lawyers Mutual of Kentucky Voting Open Until June 10, 2022

If you are the primary name on your LMICK policy, please be aware that proxy materials were sent via email on Monday, May 9 from IntelliScan. Voting for the Board of Directors and on other LMICK business is open until June 10th!.

June 30, 2022 Deadline for Comments to Proposed Amendments to Rules:

Family Court Rules of Practice and Procedure Amendments
The Kentucky Supreme Court is considering proposed amendments to the Family Court Rules of Practice and Procedure. The proposal replaces Subsection 6 (Case Management) of FCRPP 2 Preliminary Matters with two new rules addressing mediation (FCRPP 39) and case management conferences (FCRPP 40). All written comments to the proposed amendments must be submitted electronically to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by June 30, 2022.

Rules of Appellate Procedure
The Kentucky Supreme Court is also considering proposed amendments to the Rules of Appellate Procedure. Commentary to the amendments explains an overarching goal of simplifying the rules to eliminate common points of confusion among practitioners and pro se appellants. Comments to the proposed rules must be submitted electronically to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by June 30, 2022.

If you practice family or appellate law, please consider offering your thoughtful comments on the proposed amendments.

April 20, 2022

News & Updates

Congratulations to Kentucky’s Newest Attorneys!

LMICK would like to congratulate Kentucky’s (soon to be) newest attorneys! The swearing in ceremony is set for Friday, April 22, 2022 in Frankfort. If you have a newly admitted attorney joining your practice, remember to add them to your policy by filling out the form on our website.

Amendments to the Kentucky Supreme Court Rules Effective April 1, 2022

The Kentucky Supreme Court announced several proposed amendments to the rules have been approved and became effective on April 1, 2022. We encourage you to review and note any rules that impact your practice. To get you started, we have highlighted the most significant changes, here.

March 16, 2022

News & Updates

Effective April 1, 2022: Amendments to the Kentucky Supreme Court Rules

The Kentucky Supreme Court announced several proposed amendments to the rules have been approved and will be effective on April 1, 2022. We will provide a more thorough review of the rules in our April edition of the LMICK Minute.

New Kentucky Ethics Opinion: KBA E-454 Addresses the Ethical Obligations of an Attorney as a Guardian Ad Litem

The Kentucky Bar Association Ethics Committee has issued a formal ethics opinion addressing duties of a GAL. The opinion discusses how “[c]ritics have argued that the ‘best interest’ representation as a GAL under Kentucky law (KRS 387.305), especially in family law cases, does not ‘comport’ with an attorney’s ethical responsibilities under the Kentucky Rules of Professional Conduct….[C]ritics maintain that a ‘best interest’ lawyer who substitutes his or her best-interest judgment for that of the child runs afoul of the duties to ‘…advocate…zealously…the client’s position’ and to ‘…abide by a client’s decisions concerning the objectives of [the] representation.’” This opinion addresses these concerns and provide guidance to attorneys acting as a GAL. Read the full opinion here.

February 14, 2022

News & Updates

New Rules Impacting Mediation Effective February 1, 2022
The Kentucky Supreme Court has entered Administrative Order 2022-04, which replaces in their entirety the Model Mediation Rules and AP Part XII, Mediation Guidelines for Court of Justice Mediators.

Legal Food Frenzy is Underway!
Every year, the Young Lawyers Division of the Kentucky Bar Association asks our legal community to do its part in working toward a #HungerFreeKentucky. This year's campaign will kick off on February 7th. Register your team now and find more information at kyfoodfrenzy.com!

Western Kentucky Tornado Response
The FEMA Application deadline was on February 11, 2022. For survivors needing assistance with appeals and other disaster related legal assistance, free legal help is available for Kentucky tornado survivors by calling 877-782-4219. Visit our Disaster Response Information page for more information and resources.

January 19, 2022

News & Updates

Western Kentucky Tornado Response

November 29, 2021

To Our Policyholders:

As we enter the season of reflection and gratitude, we want to say THANK YOU for choosing Lawyers Mutual of Kentucky. We are grateful for your continued loyalty and look forward to continuing to serve you in the new year. In this issue, we will introduce you to our newest staff members, discuss the latest developments in the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA), encourage you to comment on proposed changes to the Supreme Court Rules, and remind you take care of yourself this holiday season.

We also want to extend our gratitude to two former LMICK employees. Jillian Taylor served as LMICK’s CFO from September 4, 2019 to August 13, 2021, but accepted an opportunity with another company this fall. Connie Harper, a long-time employee, was often the first person to greet you when calling or visiting LMICK and is now enjoying retirement. We wish Ms. Harper and Ms. Taylor the best in their next chapters.

June 11, 2021

To Our Policyholders:

What a difference a year makes! Last summer at this time, we were in the throes of a pandemic facing record unemployment, a serious economic downturn, a shuttering of courts and other legal enterprises, an unplanned transition to remote work, virtual learning for our children and overall uncertainty and fear. We were desperate for a fast and effective vaccine and wondering how much longer we could endure. The 2020 Kentucky Bar Association convention had been cancelled and we were planning Lawyers Mutual’s first ever virtual Annual Meeting.

Fast forward a year and we are planning and preparing for another Annual Meeting of members that will also be conducted virtually – hopefully for the last time. This will be your final reminder to please complete your proxy voting electronically via the e-mails you’ve received from Intelliscan, Inc. and plan to join us on June 19, 2021 at 9:00 a.m. eastern time for the Annual Meeting.

April 26, 2021

To Our Policyholders:

Summer is around the corner and there are more and more signs of life returning to a new normal. Here at LMICK, we are in the midst of a busy spring and early summer CLE season and preparing for an office move and our annual meeting. We are looking forward to some opportunities to see our insureds and other lawyers across the Commonwealth in person this fall. In the interim, here are a few important reminders and announcements from LMICK . . .

March 31, 2021

To Our Policyholders:

Happy Spring! The Spring season represents a time of rejuvenation, renewal and growth after a long and cold winter. We at LMICK are hoping that each of you are experiencing a revitalization and transformation of sorts this Spring season, both personally and professionally. We are cautiously optimistic that the hardest days of the pandemic are behind us. So, enjoy the warmer weather and looser COVID-19 restrictions, but stay healthy and well.

We have a number of items to bring to your attention, many of which are happening this Spring or early Summer.

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