Posted in: LMICK Minute
March 31, 2021
LMICK Minute - Issue #13

To Our Policyholders:

Happy Spring! The Spring season represents a time of rejuvenation, renewal and growth after a long and cold winter. We at LMICK are hoping that each of you are experiencing a revitalization and transformation of sorts this Spring season, both personally and professionally. We are cautiously optimistic that the hardest days of the pandemic are behind us. So, enjoy the warmer weather and looser COVID-19 restrictions, but stay healthy and well.

We have a number of items to bring to your attention, many of which are happening this Spring or early Summer.

  1. Please mark your calendars – LMICK’s Annual Meeting of members will be held via zoom on June 19, 2021. We typically conduct that Annual Meeting during the Kentucky Bar Association’s yearly convention. With the convention being held early in May and virtually this year, LMICK has elected to have its Annual Meeting in June as is typical. Additional information about LMICK’s Annual Meeting will be forthcoming. Please plan to join us at our Annual Meeting on June 19th. In the interim, please enjoy the virtual KBA convention the week of May 10th.
  2. Speaking of the LMICK Annual Meeting, you are accustomed to receiving proxy voting materials by mail and returning your vote to LMICK also by mail. This year, however, LMICK will be conducting the proxy voting online with the assistance of a company called Intelliscan, Inc. You will receive an introductory email from Intelliscan in late April, the actual voting email on or about May 10th and a couple of reminder emails before the voting closes. Please do not ignore these emails from Intelliscan. To avoid having those emails go to your spam filter, please add This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to your contacts.
  3. LMICK IS MOVING: At the end of June, LMICK is moving its offices to the Plainview Point III office building at 10503 Timberwood Circle, Suite 213, Louisville, Kentucky 40223. For those of you familiar with Louisville, this building is off Hurstbourne Lane. We will be moving over a weekend to minimize any interruption in our ability to serve your needs. You will get the same service and attention, but from a new address. We look forward to having you visit us in our new space later this year when it is safer to do so.
  4. For your convenience, LMICK accepts payments via debit card, credit card or bank draft. Please call Sarah Kessinger or Jillian Taylor to make arrangements for an electronic payment. Alternatively, you may complete the payment form on LMICK’s website which will generate a message to Ms. Kessinger or Ms. Taylor who will contact you to finalize the transaction.
  5. The LMICK 800 phone number is no longer in service. Gone are the days of long-distance charges on land lines. As such, it did not make sense, practically or financially, to maintain that number. Please accept our apologies if you’ve tried reaching us on that number and were unable to do so.
  6. REMINDER / UPCOMING WEBINAR: We are pleased to provide another timely webinar FREE to our policyholders: Trial by Zoom – Overcoming your Zoom Resistance to Deliver Results for your Clients. Join us on Tuesday, April 20, 2021 from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 (eastern) as we hear from long-time Injury Board members Elise Sanguinetti and Jamie Goldstein of the San Francisco Bay area office of Arias Sanguinetti Wang & Torrijos LLP. Recently, they successfully represented a client in one of the nation’s first completely virtual jury trials. Elise and Jamie will share their first-hand experience with this ground-breaking trial – from the strategy and planning that went into advocating for a virtual trial, to jury selection, presenting the case, deliberation, verdict and post-trial activities. This program has been approved for 1 hour of CLE and space is limited. So, REGISTER TODAY.
  7. If you missed our January 13, 2021 webinar From Panic to Profit presented by Brooke Lively, then you can find it on LMICK’s website and watch it on demand at your convenience. The program is approved for 1 hour of CLE by the Kentucky Bar Association. Before you watch the webinar, you should read LMICK Board Chair Ruth Baxter’s book review of Ms. Lively’s From Panic to Profit: How 6 Key Numbers Can Make a 6 Figure Difference in Your Law Practice in the November/December 2020 issue of the Bench and Bar. With permission from the KBA and Mrs. Baxter, the review is included here for your ease of reference. We have a limited number of Ms. Lively’s books available still. If you want a copy, then please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
  8. You should have received an invitation from the Kentucky Bar Association to attend a virtual town hall with other members of your Supreme Court District. Please take advantage of the opportunity to tell your Bar leadership what is on your minds and how it can best help and support the lawyers of the Commonwealth. Also consider the line-up of Lawyers Advocating Wellness programs being offered by the KBA and the contributions of the Mental Health Collaboration Group, of which LMICK is a member. Please see the KBA, KYLAP and LMICK websites for more information. If you belong to a bar or lawyer group, there is a good chance that organization is also a part of the Mental Health Collaboration Group with information available to you.
  9. Don’t forget that LMICK can help you with your court bond needs, including notary bonds. LMICK offers a broad range of bonds usually within 24-hours and with a comprehensive underwriting process to ensure the quality of the bonds written. For more information, visit: or call 877-553-6376.
  10. If you are a new insured and did not get a LMICK mask and lanyard when we sent those in late December, please let us know and we will send one to you right away. While wearing your LMICK mask, take a selfie and post it on any or all of LMICK’s social media platforms. We’ve certainly enjoyed seeing our masks around town. Links to LMICK social media platforms below for your convenience.
  11. Considering that there has been another attorney suicide since our January LMICK Minute, we are committed to continuing the dialogue on attorney wellness and well-being and other topics that may pertain to the causes of attorney depression and suicide and how we might prevent the same. In this communication, we wish to share, with the permission of KYLAP, a few of the things that KYLAP does not do. We understand that there is, or could be, some reticence about seeking help from KYLAP for fear that your identity will be shared with other parts of the KBA or the courts, namely the Office of Bar Counsel or Office of Bar Admissions. PLEASE know that you can safely and securely engage KYLAP without fear in that regard. KYLAP does not, and is prohibited from, the following:
    • making referrals to the Office of Bar Counsel or Bar Admissions of the Court (SCR 3.960(2));
    • identifying who made a third-party referral (SCR 3.960(2));
    • speaking to the Offices of Bar Counsel or Admissions without an Authorization signed by the attorney seeking help (SCR 3.970(2), (3) and (5)); and
    • participating directly in any licensure decision.

Please help KYLAP and the aforementioned Mental Help Collaboration Group dispel the myth that KYLAP shares information with other arms of the Kentucky Bar Association or Supreme Court of Kentucky without authorization from the attorney seeking assistance. This may make it easier for someone to get life-saving help.

Finally, thanks for choosing Lawyers Mutual for your legal professional malpractice needs. We appreciate having you as an insured. Please refer us to a friend.


Angela Logan Edwards – President/CEO
Nancy Meyers – Marketing Director