Posted in: LMICK Minute
April 26, 2021
LMICK Minute - Issue #14
To Our Policyholders:
Summer is around the corner and there are more and more signs of life returning to a new normal. Here at LMICK, we are in the midst of a busy spring and early summer CLE season and preparing for an office move and our annual meeting. We are looking forward to some opportunities to see our insureds and other lawyers across the Commonwealth in person this fall. In the interim, here are a few important reminders and announcements from LMICK . . .
- REMINDER – PROXY VOTING IS OPEN. Please complete your proxy voting electronically via the e-mails you’ve received from Intelliscan, Inc. If after checking your spam filter and/or junk folder, you do not find any emails from Intelliscan, please contact us at
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. so that we can get you the necessary proxy voting materials. Plan to join us for LMICK’s Annual Meeting of members being held via zoom on June 19, 2021 at 9:00 a.m. eastern time. - REMINDER - LMICK is Moving. At the end of June, LMICK is moving its offices to the Plainview Point III office building at 10503 Timberwood Circle, Suite 213, Louisville, Kentucky 40223. We will begin moving on Friday, June 25, 2021 in the afternoon. We will continue our move over the weekend to minimize any interruption in our ability to serve your needs. Please be patient with us on the afternoon of June 25th and the morning of June 26th as we make that transition. Thereafter, you will get the same service and attention, but from a new address. We look forward to having you visit us in our new space.
- If you missed our April 20, 2021 webinar Trial by Zoom – Overcoming your Zoom Resistance to Deliver Results for your Clients, presented by long-time Injury Board members Elise Sanguinetti and Jamie Goldstein of the San Francisco Bay area office of Arias Sanguinetti Wang & Torrijos LLP, then you can find it on LMICK’s website and watch it on demand at your convenience. Recently, Elise and Jamie successfully represented a client in one of the nation’s first completely virtual jury trials. During the presentation, they share their first-hand experience with this ground-breaking trial – from the strategy and planning that went into advocating for a virtual trial, to jury selection, presenting the case, deliberation, verdict and post-trial activities. The program is approved for 1 hour of CLE by the Kentucky Bar Association. Likewise, our January 13, 2021 webinar From Panic to Profit presented by Brooke Lively is also available on LMICK’s website on demand. This program is also approved for 1 hour of CLE.
- During the KBA Convention, LMICK presented a program called Planning for the Inevitable. LMICK’s Claims Counsel, Jane Broadwater Long, along with Heidi W. Dorn of Dinsmore & Shohl and Gretchen Koehler Mote of the Ohio Bar Liability Insurance Company, discuss best practices for planning for the inevitable upset to your practice – serious illness, damage to your office or files, succession planning, etc. Life changing events are going to happen. Hear from Jane, Heidi and Gretchen on how to be better prepared when those events happen in your own life. This program is an on-demand session that remains available for viewing on the KBA Bar Convention platform until June 30, 2021.
- CLE DEADLINE APPROACHING. Please take advantage of having these three LMICK CLE programs available at your convenience. The June 30, 2021 CLE deadline is fast approaching. Please remember that the 2019-2020 CLE deadline was extended to June 30, 2021. At that time, you will need to have 24 credits, including 4 ethics credits, completed and certified. Further, you have until August 10, 2021 to report those credits duly earned and certified by June 30, 2021.
- Snail mail continues to be slower than usual. For your convenience, LMICK accepts payments via debit card, credit card or bank draft. Please call Sarah Kessinger or Jillian Taylor to make arrangements for an electronic payment. Alternatively, you may complete the payment form on LMICK’s website which will generate a message to Ms. Kessinger or Ms. Taylor who will contact you to finalize the transaction.
- Lawyers Mutual is the proud and humble recipient of the KBA Young Lawyers Division 2021 Service to Young Lawyers Award. The Service to Young Lawyers Award is presented to a lawyer, non-lawyer, or organization, for exceptional contributions to the professional and personal advancement and mentorship of young lawyers. The Award seeks to recognize those experienced lawyers, organizations, and others who consistently work to promote, mentor, and advance young lawyers. Lawyers Mutual of Kentucky is the only mutual professional liability insurance company for attorneys in Kentucky. For over thirty years, the company has stood by its service-oriented mission to support, strengthen, and protect Kentucky lawyers. Many aspects of practicing law have changed since March of 2020. However, the Board of Directors felt it was essential that LMICK continue to provide unwavering support to the Kentucky Bar during the pandemic. LMICK has continued to support various Bar Associations, and the local Legal Aid chapters. Further, the Company has continued to publish risk management pieces focused on the trends in the current legal landscape, provide relevant practice management education to its policyholders and non-policyholders alike, and increase its presence on Social Medial to ensure access to information across all platforms. The Company is grateful for the ongoing and loyal support of its Policyholders which enables it to provide sustained support and guidance to the lawyers of the Commonwealth. This commitment is what makes LMICK more than just an insurance company. The Board and Staff love what they do and the service they provide. We thank the Young Lawyers Division for honoring LMICK with this award.
- Finally, but perhaps most importantly, May is Mental Health Awareness Month. LMICK and many other bar-related organizations – the Mental Health Collaboration Group - have been hyper focused on improving the mental health of the lawyers of Kentucky for several months since the tragic losses of our attorney colleagues to suicide. You have undoubtedly seen many of these articles and information about a number of program offerings. If you haven’t taken steps to take better care of your own mental health and/or sought to help someone who might be struggling, then please do one thing for yourself or someone else before month’s end to mark your recognition of Mental Health Awareness Month. Of course, don’t stop there - continue to take care of yourself and others. If you need additional information, the KBA and KYLAP websites are replete with great resources.