News & Updates
Reminder: CLE Deadline is June 30th!
Kentucky’s deadline for attending CLE’s will be here before you know it. Take some time to log-in and check your progress to ensure you will meet the requirement. Also, make plans to attend the Lawyers Mutual Second Quarter CLE next week for a fun ethics session on “dueling” in Kentucky next week on Tuesday, May 21st.
Need more CLE credits? Many of our partners are offering CLE programming throughout May and June. Check out the calendar, below, for a few of those upcoming offerings or take advantage of our on-demand CLEs, here.
Thank You for Participating!
We want to thanks to all of those that participated in the Annual Policyholder Meeting and completed the proxy voting process. We look forward to continuing to serve you for years to come!
Practice Management
Coming Soon: Kentucky Ethics Opinion on the Use of AI
The Kentucky Ethics Commission has authored a Formal Ethics Opinion which is scheduled to be published in the upcoming Bench & Bar. Lawyers should take a moment to review once available. Lawyers Mutual’s Courtney Risk spoke last week at the Kentucky Bar Association Annual Convention about the use of Generative AI in the Legal Arena and additional resources are in the works for insureds—stay tuned!
Lawyer Well-Being
KYLAP Introduces First-of-its-Kind Screening Program for Lawyers
KYLAP has launched the first confidential online Interactive Screening Program for Lawyers in the country. It’s a completely anonymous Interactive Screening Program for Kentucky Lawyers only, created by our partners at the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. The hope is that the opportunity to privately screen for depression and anxiety will encourage more lawyers to understand the opportunities for treatment that are available. Click here for more information!
Upcoming Events
I (Can’t) Challenge You to a Duel:
Kentucky Attorneys and the Ethical Implications of Dueling
May 21, 2024 at 1:00 pm EST
1.0 Hour KY Ethics CLE Credit
“I... have not fought a duel with deadly weapons within this State nor out of it, nor have I sent or accepted a challenge to fight a duel with deadly weapons, nor have I acted as second in carrying a challenge, nor aided or assisted any person thus offending...” New Kentucky attorneys have giggled their way through this oath for generations, but few have become borderline obsessed with figuring out how it even got in the Constitution in the first place, why we still say it today, and wondering whether the Model Rules or the Kentucky Supreme Court Rules would prevent us from dueling without it. Fortunately, Kentucky attorney Anna Girard Fletcher has developed just such an obsession and through a series of historical anecdotes, pop culture references, attorney discipline cases, and absurd hypotheticals will lead you on a journey through Kentucky’s dueling past, and a discussion of the ethical implications of the way we “duel” today.
We look forward to seeing you!
We are proud to support the organizations that support you and your work! We will be out and about this spring, leading CLEs and sponsoring events. We hope you can join us at one of these currently scheduled events (and make sure to come say hello)!
May 16: Mason Co. Bar Association CLE, Maysville
May 16: 2024 Champion of Diversity in Justice Award Ceremony and Reception
May 17: NKBA Small and Solo Section Monthly CLE, Covington
May 21: LMICK 2Q CLE, Virtual
May 31: 53rd Judicial District CLE, Shelbyville
May 31: Henderson Co. Bar Association, Henderson
June 4: KJA Webinar
June 6-7: KJA Auto Summit, Louisville
June 7: UK Employment Law Institute, Lexington
June 14: McCracken Co. Bar Association, Paducah
June 14: KJA Webinar
June 17: Louisville Bar Association CLE, Virtual
June 18: KJA Webinar
We want to hear from you! Have a CLE topic you would like to see? Send suggestions to
Need a CLE Speaker in the Fall of 2024? We would love to speak to your group! You can check out our updated list of available topics and request to schedule, here.
Angela Logan Edwards – President/CEO
Courtney Risk – Education & Engagement Specialist