The Risk Manager, Winter 1998
One of Lawyers Mutual’s greatest advantages for Kentucky lawyers is that we are a direct writer of lawyers professional liability insurance. This means that only employees working for Lawyers Mutual do sales and marketing. Most commercial lawyers professional liability companies sell through independent agents. These agents typically sell several lines of insurance and may sell products of either one large multi-line commercial carrier or of many commercial carriers. Agents receive compensation from commercial carriers based on the amount of business sold. As a result of agents representing numerous companies or offering several different products, they may lack expertise in the highly specialized area of lawyers professional liability insurance.
In contrast, as a direct writer of only lawyers professional liability insurance, Lawyers Mutual pays no agent commissions and devotes all effort to lawyer liability protection and claims service. We concentrate on serving insured lawyers on a personal basis in a professional manner. As Vice President, Marketing, I personally speak with every lawyer asking about coverage with Lawyers Mutual. Since I am a lawyer, I’m in an especially good position to work with a firm’s risk management needs and advise on professional liability coverage.
Because we are a direct writer, insured lawyers do not contact us through an intermediary such as an agent. They have direct access to all parts of Lawyers Mutual, including underwriting, claims, and risk management. This ability to contact us directly minimizes delay or miscommunication on coverage questions. We work hard on quick response time, and believe we are second to none in policy service, claims service, and risk management for lawyers in Kentucky.
Our story is short and sweet. Lawyers Mutual, as a direct writer, offers focused expertise and commitment to providing professional liability insurance to Kentucky lawyers. As Kentucky’s bar-related and KBA endorsed insurance company, our goal of providing the best possible service and coverage to Kentucky lawyers is always our greatest priority.