Posted in: LMICK Minute
June 18, 2024
LMICK Minute - Issue #47

News & Updates

Lawyers Mutual of Kentucky Celebrates Juneteenth

You may have noticed the LMICK Minute arrived a day early, this month. Wednesday, June 19th is Juneteenth and the LMICK Offices will be closed in observance of the holiday.

What is Juneteenth?

Juneteenth commemorates the end of slavery in the United States. While the Emancipation Proclamation was issued in 1863, it was only in effect in those states under Union control. On June 19, 1865, Union troops entered Galveston Bay, Texas, freeing 250,000 enslaved people and marking an end of formal slavery in the United States. For more information about the history of the celebration, visit the National Museum of African American History & Culture.

How can we celebrate?

Terry Tang with the Associated Press shares this beginner’s guide to Juneteenth as a starting point for those wanting to celebrate Juneteenth and learn more about the history of the celebration in the African American community.

Wishing you all a Happy Juneteenth!

Thank You to Our Board Members with Expiring Terms

Lawyers Mutual of Kentucky would like to express our sincerest thanks to Ruth H. Baxter, Esq. with Crawford & Baxter, PSC for her 30 years of service to the Company. Over the years she has worn many hats in service to LMICK. On her behalf, we are working to raise money for the Food Pantry of Carroll County, a local organization impacting her community and in which she is highly involved. LMICK plans to match up to $5,000 in donations made in her honor. If you wish to make a donation to the Food Pantry of Carroll County, Inc. send a check to Food Pantry of Carroll County, Inc - PO Box 265 - Carrollton, KY 41008 and denote Ruth C. Baxter in the memo line.

We would also like to thank Amy D. Cubbage for also serving on LMICK’s board. She contributed significantly during her three-year term and she will be missed.

Reminder: CLE Deadline is June 30th!

Kentucky’s deadline for attending CLE’s is fast approaching. Take some time to log-in to the KBA CLE site to check your progress and ensure you will meet the requirement.

Need more CLE credits? Take advantage of our on-demand CLEs, here.



Practice Management

Formal Kentucky Ethics Opinion (E-457) Addresses Use of AI in Legal Practice

The Kentucky Ethics Commission has authored a Formal Ethics Opinion addressing the use of AI in the law. All Kentucky lawyers should take a moment to read the opinion in the May Bench & Bar, available here—the Ethics Opinion begins on page 44.



Lawyer Well-Being

Ten Tips for a Low(er)-Stress Summer

In May, Courtney Risk shared ten tips to lower your stress and enjoy the summer months in the Northern Kentucky Bar Association’s Lex Loci. For example, did you know that one of the most common alleged ethical complaints against Kentucky lawyers is a failure to communicate? Often, clients who allege this violation feel ignored by their lawyer—but lawyers need time away from work to be our best. An out-of-office message is one way to communicate clearly with the client when they should expect a response and who they can contact in the meantime. This can satisfy the client’s need to communicate and the lawyer’s need to disconnect.

You can learn more about utilizing an out-of-office message and other tips for lowering your stress while enjoying your summer in the NKBA’s Lex Loci.



Upcoming Events

We look forward to seeing you!

We are proud to support the organizations that support you and your work! We will be out and about this spring, leading CLEs and sponsoring events. We hope you can join us at one of these currently scheduled events (and make sure to come say hello)!


May 18: KJA Webinar

May 21: KJA Trial Skills, Louisville

May 27: KJA Bad Faith Practices, Virtual


We want to hear from you! Have a CLE topic you would like to see? Send suggestions to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Need a CLE Speaker? We would love to speak to your group! You can check out our updated list of available topics and request to schedule, here.

Angela Logan Edwards – President/CEO

Courtney Risk – Education & Engagement Specialist