News & Updates
Jessica Beavin is Lawyers Mutual of Kentucky’s new Senior Underwriter
Jessica was promoted to Senior Underwriter following the retirement of Lois Smith. Many of you have gotten to know Jessica after she joined the Lawyers Mutual team in January 2023. Jessica brings prior insurance experience and has been supporting both our underwriting and claims teams during her tenure. We are excited to welcome Jessica to her new role. She is looking forward to getting to know all of you! You can reach Jessica directly at
FRAUD ALERT: Correspondence Titled “Important Compliance Notice” May Not Be Valid
The recently enacted Corporate Transparency Act requires some businesses to meet reporting requirements regarding ownership information (see below). FinCEN (The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network) has issued a fraud alert regarding attempts to solicit information from individuals and entities through email or mail correspondence titled “Important Compliance Notice” or similar language. Do not click on any links or scan any QR codes in these messages. Visit the FinCEN website for more information about the new reporting requirements and how to safely comply with the law.
Proposed Amendments to the Supreme Court Rules: Judicial Commission Representatives Nomination and Elections
The Supreme Court is considering amendments to Rule 7.030 and 7.040, impacting nominations and elections of bar representatives to judicial nominating commissions. Written comments to the proposed amendments must be submitted by February 9, 2024 to
Practice Management
Ensure You and Your Small Business Clients are Aware of New Federal Reporting Requirements
Many small businesses are now subject to the Federal Beneficial Ownership Information (BOI) Reporting Rule, a result of the enacted Corporate Transparency Act. The rule seeks to gather information about ownership interests in corporations and other business entities. In general, entities that existed prior to January 1, 2024 and are subject to reporting will have until January 1, 2025 to submit the required report. Additionally, for new entities formed on or after January 1, 2024, reporting will be required within 90 days.
Beginning January 1, 2024, FinCEN will begin accepting reports from entities subject to the Rule. The BOI website has a wealth of information, including a Small Entity Compliance Guide—available in several languages—to guide you and your clients. Take care to make sure you know whether your firm is a business that must comply. Likewise, your business clients may need your guidance on their reporting obligations.
Wellness Corner
A Note From...: A New Series for A New Year
This year, we will be hearing from some of our staff, Board, and partners about how they are incorporating well-being into their daily lives (or where they may be struggling). Our January installment is a Note From Courtney Risk: The Importance of Setting Your Daily Intention.
In 2023, I came across a wonderful journal that provided prompts for setting a daily intention. Alex Shea’s explanation on intention setting is great: “When you are in the driver's seat, goals are your destination. Intentions are the route you plan to take.”
As I build this intention-setting habit into my routine, I am noticing a reduction in my stress and anxiety levels. Entering my day with clarity in what I want to accomplish (or, more often, how I want to accomplish it) provides an ability to handle (and prioritize appropriately) the distractions, stressors, and demands the day throws at us. For me, it also translates into more patience for myself and those around me.
The journal provides the following prompts for the morning with space for a few words or phrases—no long narratives needed. This usually takes as little as 3-5 minutes to complete.
- Before you begin the day, set your intentions
- Things to let go of today
- Today I am grateful for
- Today’s Mantra—a phrase for remaining focused on your intention (e.g., “I am calm,” or, “I am present.”)
In the evening, I complete the following prompts:
- Today I found joy in...
- Something I did that made today great
- Things I did for myself
- Things I did for others
- Tomorrow’s goal
To see an example of one of my entries, check out my post on LinkedIn. For more information on intention setting, check out this article and this article. Here’s to an intentional new year!
Know That Help is Always Available
The quiet after the holidays—along with the financial stress sometimes related to paying for events and gifts—can make for a less than happy new year for some of us. If you are struggling with grief, sadness, anxiety, or any other emotion or stressor that is negatively impacting your daily life, please reach out for help. All Kentucky lawyers are eligible for four free visits with a mental health professional through the Kentucky Lawyers Assistance Program. For more information about the variety of confidential resources KYLAP offers, please visit
Upcoming Events
Lawyers Mutual is Freezin’ for a Reason!
If you’re ready to start the new year off with a chill then join Lawyers Mutual of Kentucky as we take the Polar Bear Plunge benefitting Special Olympics Kentucky. Click here to join our team or donate to the cause. For those in the Louisville area we hope you will come out to support our team at Main Event in Louisville on Saturday, February 24th!
We look forward to seeing you!
We are proud to support the organizations that support you and your work! We will be out and about this spring, leading CLEs and sponsoring events. We hope you can join us at one of these currently scheduled events (and make sure to come say hello)!
February 9:
New Lawyer Program, Louisville
February 21-23:
Winter Prosecutor’s Conference, Lexington
February 24:
Polar Bear Plunge benefiting Special Olympics Kentucky, Louisville
March 5:
KBA Solo/Small Firm Practice Section CLE, Virtual
March 15:
Kentucky Defense Counsel Spring Meeting, Prospect
We want to hear from you! Have a CLE topic you would like to see? Send suggestions to
Need a CLE Speaker? We would love to speak to your group! You can check out our updated list of available topics and request to schedule, here.
Angela Logan Edwards – President/CEO
Courtney Risk – Education & Engagement Specialist