News & Updates
In-Person CLE TODAY!
“Oh, Yay, the Holidays!” Maintaining Your Competence in Stressful Seasons
For our Lexington insureds, we are speaking, today, to the Fayette County Bar Association Women Lawyers Association at noon at the FCBA classroom! Join Courtney Risk, Yvette Hourigan and Dr. Heather Risk as they discuss maintaining competence during stressful seasons. For more information, click here.
Did you read the title of the CLE with enthusiasm or sarcasm? While we often celebrate the holidays as a joyous occasion, the holidays can bring up many complicated emotions—including joy, grief, sadness, isolation, trauma, and more. Navigating stressful seasons—whether it’s the holidays or some other stressful season in life—can impact our ability to maintain our duties of competence (1.1), diligence (1.3), communication (1.4), and supervision (5.1-5.3). This panel session will provide an overview of the potential ethical pitfalls that can occur during these seasons. Attendees will then be provided tools for navigating the stress—for themselves and for their practice.
For those that cannot attend, KYLAP will make a recording of the CLE available soon. Follow us on LinkedIn or check out our December LMICK Minute for the link!
Practice Management
Poll Question: AI and the Law
As we develop risk management resources addressing the use of AI in practice, we invite you to participate in our word cloud survey. Click here to let us know what word or phrase comes to mind when considering AI’s use in legal practice. All results are anonymous and will be available to view live after participation.
Are you utilizing artificial intelligence in your practice? Are you avoiding it completely? We would love to hear from you! If you have stories of how you are (or are not) incorporating AI technology into your day-to-day, please reach out to Courtney Risk (
It’s Time for Your Annual (Malpractice) Check-Up!
As a Lawyers Mutual insured, you have access to our 30-Minute Malpractice Check-Up to gauge the health of your firm and identify tasks to tackle in the new year. You can access the resource here.
First time using the Check-Up tool? Consider viewing our on-demand CLE It’s Time for Your Annual Check-Up! for an hour ethics CLE credit and guidance on how to utilize the resource.
Wellness Corner
Focusing on Gratitude...
As we prepare for the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, this passage about the importance of gratitude to keep us rooted felt like the perfect focus for this month’s Wellness section:
I had no idea what the thank you game was, but I began to search hard for clues and cracks and pauses in which I could, with some kind of honesty, say thank you to life. What I discovered turned my world upside down. It wasn’t long before my step was lighter and slowly almost everything began to bring a smile to my face and words of gratitude to my heart...
Practicing gratitude protects us from our own pettiness and smallness and keeps us centered in the joy and abundance of our own life. When stimulation pulls at us and disturbance beckons us, it is the gratitude uttered from our lips that keeps us strongly rooted in contentment.
–Deborah Adele, The Yamas & Niyamas
...But Know That Help is Available
For many, the holidays are a particularly difficult time of year. If you are struggling with grief, sadness, anxiety, or anything other emotion or stressor that is negatively impacting your daily life, please reach out for help. All Kentucky lawyers are eligible for four free visits with a mental health professional through the Kentucky Lawyers Assistance Program. For more information about the variety of confidential resources KYLAP offers, please visit
Upcoming Events
Cybersecurity 101 CLE Now Available On-Demand
Wednesday, Oct. 18, 2023 at 12:00 EST
Thank you to those who joined us for the live 4th Quarter CLE: Cybersecurity 101: Ethical Duties and Practical Tips for Kentucky Lawyers. For those that were unable to attend, it is now available on-demand on our website.
Catch Up on CLE Credits with Our On-Demand Options
The lead-up to the holiday season can often be hectic but many of us may experience a slow workday or two this winter. These slower moments are a great time to catch up on CLE credits, now, and avoid the rush for credits in June. Lawyers Mutual has you covered with our on-demand CLEs, including:
- Bar Discipline 101: The Dos and Don’ts of Responding to a Bar Complaint
Malpractice 101: What it is and How to Protect Yourself
Oyez! Oyez! An Overview of the New Kentucky Rules of Appellate Procedure
The Lawyer-Client Relationship Continuum: Determining Duties Owed After Casual Conversations
Click here to sign-up for an on-demand CLE, today!
We look forward to seeing you!
LMICK is proud to support the organizations that support you and your work! We will be out and about this fall, leading CLEs and sponsoring events. We hope you can join us at one of these currently scheduled events (and make sure to come say hello)!
Nov. 15:
Fayette Co. Bar Association Women Lawyers Association CLE, Lexington
Louisville Bar Association Annual Awards, Louisville
Nov. 16:
Kentucky Law Update, Pikeville
Nov 30:
Kentucky Law Update, Bowling Green
We want to hear from you! Have a CLE topic you would like to see? Send suggestions to
Need a CLE Speaker? We would love to speak to your group! You can check out our updated list of available topics and request to schedule, here.
Angela Logan Edwards – President/CEO
Courtney Risk – Education & Engagement Specialist