To our Policyholders,
Effective Monday, March 23, 2020, Lawyers Mutual of Kentucky closed its office until such time as it is safe to resume in-office operations. We made the unprecedented and difficult decision to close the office not just to take care of ourselves, but to stay well in order to assist you with your professional liability insurance needs. LMICK’s core business functions are being handled remotely and we will do our best to provide whatever you may need in this most uncertain of times.
Nonetheless, and as you’ve undoubtedly experienced with your own efforts to practice remotely, there are challenges and limitations to navigate. To that end, we wanted to advise how best to reach us, explain the functions that may be slower than normal and provide some additional information that you should know about your coverage and premiums that may be coming due.
First, it is best to contact us via the “contact” link on the website. Depending on the nature of your inquiry, your message will be directed to the appropriate person who will respond accordingly. Alternatively, you can e-mail us at a new general mailbox at
Please don’t hesitate to contact us with any inquiry, whether about claims, renewals, quotes, premiums, etc. Remember that our website and social media platforms are resources for additional information from LMICK. With a week of experience, communications through the “contact” button and the general e-mail seem to be working well. If you reached out to us and did not get a response, please try again. We don’t want your inquiry to get lost in the transition to remote operations.
Notwithstanding our efforts, we know that there will be some inevitable delays in our responsiveness that cannot be avoided. For example, we will be unable to timely process correspondence and payments that are mailed to our office. So, please communicate with us as outlined above. If you would normally send your premium payment to our offices in the mail, please send your payment to LMICK’s lockbox address instead (3748 Reliable Parkway, Chicago, IL 60686-0037 or pay online. Once you’ve filled out the “make a payment form,“ arrangements will be made.
Claims attorneys are still available to assist with any suits, claims or incidents. Again, please alert us to any claim issue via the website or
If you know of an attorney looking to place malpractice coverage, please share that potential insureds can still access quick quote form and new business application on the LMICK website.
Lastly, and importantly, we want to reassure you that if we are unable to timely process your application or payment while working remotely, we will work with you to extend the time for premium payments and policy issuances and renewals. Extensions will be commensurate with the amount of time it takes us to process the application or payment. Your policy/coverage will NOT be cancelled under these circumstances. Further, please know that we are cognizant of the financial concerns you may be having during this time and that we are willing to discuss payment plans for your premium obligations. If you find that you are unable to make a premium payment, please contact us to discuss the options available. We will do our best to work with you to keep your coverage in place.
Continue to stay well and protect yourself, your loved ones and your practice. We will get through this ordeal together.
Angela Edwards – CEO
Nancy Meyers – Marketing Director